Saturday, August 14, 2010

That's like two frickin' sacks of potatoes!

Today I can't get this song out of my head .. want to know why?? I weighed in this morning at my weight watchers meeting and I am 24 lb down!! Oh yeah baby .. momma's gonna be smokin' hot in no time ..

Okay now that I have that out of the way .. let's talk motivation. I know alot of us struggle with this no matter what our goals are but for the sake of this post let's stick to losing weight .. okay? Kay.

Where does motivation come from? Motivation is not something you can buy, win or steal .. (duh) .. but you can find it.

It is within all of us .. sometimes lying dormant! I often talk to my mom about losing weight .. she talks about motivation as if it is something that is going to magically appear, drop down out of the sky .. tie her shoelaces up and hold her hand while she goes around the block. No No No.

Motivation comes with action. Ever wonder why you feel so good after you have done something good for yourself? This can be anything from exercise, doing your nails, going to bed early, eating healthy .. the list is really endless.

You feel good physically because your body is thanking you. But it's more than that .. you feel good emotionally because you acted. Purposeful action has a snowball effect .. you feel good for treating yourself well .. and therefore you will want to do it again. You are motivated.

I'm not kidding you and I'm truly not trying to sound like some infomercial guru .. but this is the honest to God truth about tapping into your motivation and spurring you on to reach whatever goals you have. Come on girls! We can do it!


  1. Yay, I needed to hear this. Action = motivation. That makes so much sense. Like your mum, I'm guilty of 'waiting around' for motivation to strike. Thanks for the reminder!!!

  2. This is a VERY motivating post, congrats on the weight loss. Look forward to reading more and seeing more weight updates.

    Take care and enjoy your Sunday!!

  3. There is something covering the follow button and I cant hit it, its the Background fairy url I think. Will be back to try again in a little while.

  4. I was unable to post in Firefox so I had to open IE (just thought I would let you know). Congrats on the weight loss, I'm right their with you sister. My total is 30 lbs and counting. I update every Tuesday.

    Thanks for stopping by and linking up at Relax & Surf Sunday. Also thanks for adding our button.


  5. Hello, I am a new follower from Relax & Surf Sunday. I look forward to reading new posts from you.

  6. Wow congrats, that is a lot and it is hard to loose that much. Found your blog on blog hop and followed :)

    Send the love back please :)

  7. I am so glad you found my blog! You know, I knew that I felt good after working out or having my hair washed and trimmed... but I never really equated it to motivation. How silly of me not to connect the two. Thank you so much for sharing. I would love to comment about this on my blog and send my readers over here to see what you said if that is okay with you.

  8. Wow, that's is really motivated! 24 lbs is awesome!

    I'm your newest follower from Wobble Over Wednesday. Hope you can come by and visit me too. :)

  9. stopping over from Follow me I'm Canadian.. okay I'm gonna have to figure out how to abbreviate that! Really enjoyed reading your blog and even entered your Shakelee giveaway!

    I thought your kitchen looks great with the new paint and the gym bag for your soon is really cool!

    Oh and I agree with your action=motivation post! :)

  10. Congrats! That is wonderful. I am a new follower on Welcome Wednesday, please follow me back.

  11. Everyone needs a little (or a lot) of motivations! I'm a new follower from the Friday Blog Hops and wanted to invite you to our Spotlight Saturday Blog Hop. Have a great weekend!


  12. Haha love this song!

    I found your blog through Survey Junkie's Saturday blog hop! Have a great weekend!

  13. Great blog! I look forward getting to know you. Stop by and share the love.
